Marron.gr is an online shop for the exhibition and distribution of products through the Internet of the company "K. HOURDAKIS & SONS OE", located in Heraklion, Crete, Greece (AFM: 091037301 / DOY IRAKLIOU / GEM) 077050027000).
Make sure you agree to the following terms and conditions because any transaction you make with us through the site www.marron.gr is governed by the following terms and your transaction with us implies acceptance of these terms.
According to the Directive 2013/11 / EC, which was incorporated in Greece by JMD 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic settlement of consumer disputes through the Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure is now provided throughout the European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (ie a natural person acting out of business) and has any problem with purchasing made from our Website he can initiate the ADR process through the single EU-wide dispute resolution platform (platform) AED) available at //webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage
Secure Transactions
K. HOURDAKIS & SONS OE recognizes the importance of the issue of e-commerce security and has taken all necessary steps to ensure that all information related to users' personal information is kept confidential.
K. HOURDAKIS & SONS OE uses the SSL protocol, with up to 256-bit encryption, for secure online trading. This encrypts all your personal information, such as your name, phone and address, so that they cannot be read or changed when transferring to the Internet.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), has been established worldwide as the safest protocol for certifying web sites to web users - and for encrypting data between web users and web servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires all information sent between a client and a server to be encrypted by the shipping software and decrypted by the receiving software, thereby protecting personal information when transmitted. In addition, all information sent with the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically checks if the data has changed during the transfer.
The details of the users (name, occupation, email, home address, etc.) and the transactions of the users of the online store are treated as confidential, as in the ordinary course of business in a store. Users will be informed by K. HOURDAKIS & SONS OE when providing their personal data in the context of their transactions, and they consent to and accept the impending processing of such personal data information, for the needs of a smooth and easy interface. the parties to the transaction, as well as the transmission of such information to the addressees who will be specifically identified and who are employees and addi- tors of the company as part of the completion of the contract. The existence of the right of access and the right to object to Law 2472/97 as amended by Law 3471/2006 on the Protection of Personal Data is also hereby disclosed.
Ensures that only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only when necessary, eg. for the handling of orders. In addition, Ms. HOURDAKIS & SONS OE undertakes not to disclose the details of its customers and their transactions, unless it has written authorization from them, or this is required by a court order or decision of another public authority. The personal data stated in the marron.gr trademark online store is used exclusively by him or his affiliates to support, promote and execute the business relationship. All documents and electronic data that will be exchanged between the parties in the course of the sale will be kept by K. HOURDAKIS & SONS O. The customer may access them if he wishes, following all procedures provided by Greek law.